The Top 5 Mistakes a Paddleboarder makes with their kit......
I've been Stand Up Paddleboarding for over 5 years & have just finished my 3rd season of SUP coaching, and let me tell you, almost everyone makes the same mistakes.
But listen, don't be too hard on yourself. If you've never been taught, you'll never know! There's plenty of blogs out there on what mistakes paddlers make when they're on the water, but not that many when they're off (although i am going to write a technique blog soon).
Heres some common mistakes i've seen in my years as a SUP coach, and i've probably done a couple of these myself when i first started!
Learn from your mistakes (or mine) :p
1) - Check the valve before pumping
I guarantee, every single owner of an ISUP, whether they're a coach or not, has forgotten to check the valve before pumping up their board. I get it, we're in a rush to get that on the water and get going! But there's nothing worse than sweating your swede off pumping a board up, only to hear the WOOOSSHHH of wind coming out when you take off the hose. Wurgh! Just laugh it off and start again! Remember, check the valve is up for inflation, down for deflation.
And just to add, please don't look into the valve when you deflate. The insta posts are funny and all (and you do get that Beyonce hair) but you wont be laughing when a grain of sand catapults into your eye! Auntie Jayne says no! :)
2 - Under Inflated Board
This is how the story goes - People book in for a session with me, after months, even years of not being able to stand or control their board. I ask them to pump their board up as i'm getting my gear ready. After a couple of mins i hear 'i'm done!' - my heart sinks. I know in my head 'this poor bastard has been paddling on an under inflated board all this time!' I go over, and the board is as squishy as a squid. This is a common mistake people make because they either think they're going to pop the board or that their pump is broken. Most iSUPS will need at LEAST 15PSI but this will need to be increased depending on the rider weight etc. Always check the requirements of the board. You'll have less stability, control and fun on an under inflated board. I can also tell you, that the first time i went out on my very first iSUP, i done this, and sank! Haha! :p
3) Wash down your board & your paddle
Washing your board down will increase its life expectancy and stop any cross contamination, for example from different rivers and lakes. Save the swans!
With your paddle, it'll stop any screw/bolt damage, especially from salt water.
It's always best to give all your kit, including leashes, wetsuits and BAs a little rinse to prevent any damage. Be proactive, not reactive. Make sure you dry the board off too. If you don't use it often, mold and mildew damage can appear. Sexy!
4) Don't leave your board out in direct sunlight
The heat generated by the sunlight will make the pressure inside your board increase, and then POP goes the ISUP. A seam will usually blow which can be fatal to a SUP so make sure you keep it in the shade & deflate the board a little, to allow room for expansion. Just remember to pump it back up before heading back out (see point 1).
5) Packing your board away
So once you've washed and dried your board, now make sure you pack your board away properly (if you're not leaving it up that is). A common mistake i often see is people rolling their board the wrong way, so air is still trapped, or rolling the board so that the fin box is strained which can lead to damage. As there's a whole diverse range of iSUPs, it's best to ask a seasoned paddler or instructor to show you how to roll yours away properly. Some iSUP brands do have YouTube videos a demos to help you too, so go and have a mooch!
Once its rolled up, place it in the bag to stop any external damage/punctures to the board and to tuck it in for night showing it some love!
So there you have it folks! These are the biggest mistakes i've seen/done when it comes to your SUP & kit! They will last longer with some TLC and save you forking out on repairs or even a new board.
As always, i'm here for any questions or if you'd like to share your mishaps and stories with me too, i'm all ears!